Highway to the Future


I created this timeline to be realistic on myself and to allow myself to appropriately research for each blog post. Posting every second week enables me to complete in-depth primary and secondary research for each post and to allow myself to revise after each post and to see what more I can be adding. I’ve given myself Week 11 to revise the blog series, revisit the feedback, and edit the posts before final submission in Week 12.


Global Electric Vehical Market 2021:


History of Electric Cars:


Rising Fuel Costs Pushing Motorists to Consider Electric Cars:


BMW’s Concept Car:

car https://www.wsj.com/articles/bmw-takes-wraps-off-new-futuristic-car-1457350598

4 thoughts on “Highway to the Future

  1. chelswood

    Hey Kathryn! I really like the concept of your DA – I think the rising fuel prices has definitely increased my interest in electric vehicles which would be trend I think that will influence a lot of people towards electric cars. Your DA is very practical with three blog posts being very realistic with your timeline and research goals. I’m not sure how you were going to set out each of your blog posts but I think a helpful way to structure them could be doing a series on the past, present and future. That way you could narrow your research each week and package it that would fit nicely for your audience and for the final DA submission. I found this article (https://thedriven.io/2022/02/08/why-australia-could-become-an-electric-vehicle-manufacturing-powerhouse/) interesting that highlights Australia’s potential role in manufacturing electric vehicles in the future and touches on your point of legislative limitations. It states that this potential future would be pivotal in “creating tens of thousands of high-quality manufacturing jobs” in Australia. This article could also be of interest to you (https://www.drive.com.au/caradvice/when-will-electric-vehicles-dominate-the-streets-not-in-my-lifetime/) it details a few different scenarios or potential futures and how the ‘big’ fuel companies are jumping on the electric car bandwagon. Overall, I am excited by the scope of your project and what you are going to find! Good luck!


  2. oliviajlopez

    Hi Kathryn! What a great and really relevant topic to delve into! I think this could bring up a lot of interesting topics whilst you conduct your research. For your pitch, I felt like you could have brought up some of the initial research you conducted and expanded more upon it. As we had a 500-word blog post limit, you could have utilised this to really begin your blog post series. I found a recent article that may be of use to your research. It covers quite a few areas that you may find helpful to begin/expand on your research.
    I’m intrigued to see what you bring up during this series!


  3. The pitch contains interesting and topical subject matter – there are news stories about the auto industry and its effects on climate change and how electric cars will solve this problem.
    It’s socially relevant to inform on the ideas and build on the concepts regarding these issues.

    Your purpose is clearly outlined regarding providing details on the electric car industry, past present and future.

    For the entirety of the presentation, there’s a moving image of a revolving, futuristic car which alternates between a full picture of the vehicle and its silhouette. The pitch could benefit from more images to reflect the spoken content: both motion and still pictures.

    The pitch’s information relies on vocal delivery. However, the voice volume was soft, with a flat tone, and at times, a halting delivery. The voice could be louder with more expression to communicate interest and engage the listener. Also, when the presenter stumbles over words, it would be better if this section was re-recorded.

    We are visual learners. The presentation needs some written backup on screen in sub-heading and point form to assist communicating content and aid information retention.

    When there is no written content on screen, the voice needs to be very expressive to hold audience attention. I needed to play the pitch through several times to get the full meaning.

    Your idea to run a Twitter poll to collect primary demographic information regarding attitudes to the auto industry has practicality /value as it will assist in developing your blogs’ persuasive arguments.

    Cars are my passion. I’m interested in how climate change is influencing the future design and sustainability of the auto industry via the development and distribution of electric cars. As we know, the affordability of these cars, the availability of supportive infrastructure, including government legislation, will be fundamental to their marketplace success.

    Some treatment of these concepts could be considered, (if you’ve not already planning to examine them).


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